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Dealing with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

In the winter of 1995, I found myself working and traveling North of the Arctic Circle in Finland, with the sun rising <4 hours each day. As a generally motivated 22-year-old, I was surprised at my steadily progressing fatigue and lack of motivation. After a couple weeks there, I found myself unable to perform my duties and was nearly sent home from lack of energy and function. Little did I know at the time, I was experiencing my first bout of severe Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

SAD affects many people in the Northern Hemisphere this time of year, even in sunny Colorado. It has a genetic component and a distinct feel, much like a heavy pressure on the body as opposed to other similar experiences like sadness, “feeling blue”, melancholy or situational grief. Perhaps the most clearly determining factor that you are experiencing SAD, is that the sensation lifts when you get UV light via sunlight or full-spectrum lighting.

Perhaps the most aggravating factor for people who experience SAD, is that it never happens in a vacuum. In other words, it is the big picture of your physical, mental, emotional (and spiritual) stressors that result in your current state of health. Because we will always have life experiences that result in difficult emotions like depression, anger and anxiety, sorting through a big picture of possible causes can be complicated and hard to observe objectively, when you are in the middle of the experience.

This is where a knowledgeable naturopathic doctor can help.

I am trained to look at the causes of your fatigue, foggy mind and struggle to motivate. Despite your best efforts, there can be an underlying physical cause of your issues, such as hypothyroidism or anemia. Nutritional deficiencies such as Vitamin D or iron can complicate, and toxic effects of medications or occupational exposures can worsen the issue. Compound these issues with lack of sunlight, seasonal, job or relationship stressors that drag on us, and suddenly it can be hard to know what to do about your challenges. Thankfully, many of these possibilities are easily identifiable with proper laboratory testing. Once I identify the cause, we can then implement a systematic nutritional, supplemental and lifestyle plan to treat the cause and get you back on track. Repeat objective tests can confirm if the treatment plan is working, and periodic adjustments to the plan can keep you on a path to feeling better.

When you are ready to identify and treat the cause of your winter challenges, give me a call. I’m happy to help get you back to the energy and motivation you desire.

Dr. Lepisto

(970) 250-4104